What is success? This is quite a complex question to answer but still you will hear everyone talking about this success. Every elder blesses you saying, “Hope you get success in your life”. But I am quite sure if you ask them the same question, it will take some time for them to answer this but still the answer won’t be quite satisfactory. Is it such a complex term? Or maybe it’s some materialistic thing. It can be a goal we’ve set for ourselves. But still, is it same for everyone? For you and for me, does this success have same meaning? 

These are some of the questions that I need the answer for. For instance, nowadays during the lockdown period, when everyone was busy doing something or the other, almost every friend of mine seemed to be developing some skill, it felt like everyone is utilizing the time quite well except me. But what was I doing? How much productive I have been during this time? And it often lead to anxiety and a feeling of disappointment. But am I supposed to copy them and do the same as they are doing. They are heading towards success they want to achieve but at the same time I am also doing the thing which I feel like doing, because it makes me happy, Will I not be able to be a successful person if I continue with the same? Now I definitely need an answer to what do we mean by success. 

So, going through these experiences I have to a simple conclusion that “Success=Happiness”. Yes, it’s right and much suitable as well. Success is happiness and happiness is success. We can’t make out any other general explanation of the word success. So, is it that simple? It means that that if I am happy, I am successful person. But is it that difficult? Why do we need blessings to be successful when it’s really so simple? Even if I am bankrupt, I have no big bungalows and no luxurious like my other fellow mates, still I can call myself successful. 

Everyone has a different set of goals he wants to achieve in his life; they have different aspirations and dreams. But unfortunately many of these goals are set by others and not us and still we are trying our hard to achieve these goals so that we can also be called as a successful person. And we fail many a times achieving these goals, but it can’t make us unsuccessful. Success comes from happiness and believe me even if you achieve these goals, most of the times you won’t be happy and that means it’ll not bring you the success you are aspiring for. 

Success comes from happiness. One boy dreams of getting 90% in an exam while an another boy dreams of getting just 80% in that exam. So now if both of them have their goals different and well defined, do success has same parameters for them? I think no because even if the first one gets 86% and the second one gets 84% marks, who is the happier one? Is it the one who got higher marks? Definitely no, the second one has managed to achieve his goal and he must be happy with his result. His parents might not be happy with his performance but does that matter? Should we call him successful or unsuccessful? For me the boy who scored 86% is definitely successful.

So always run behind achieving happiness and you will surely feel like a successful man. Life has different meaning for different people. You can’t judge one man’s life by some other person’s achievements. Something that is only a a stone for some person it might be a gem for some other person. Now you know how simple this life is and how simple it is to be successful. You don’t need any blessing for it. Just sit, relax, smile and be happy. Don’t run behind the goals set by others, it’s your life, if you don’t know what to do and feel confused with your goals then also just run behind doing the things that will give you a sense of satisfaction and happiness. Just keep on adding some happiness everyday and there will be no other person as successful as you.


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