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Why Caste Based Reservation?

  Why Caste Based Reservation?   “Caste based reservation system” , it is one of the most controversial and discussed topic in India, so here we are going to talk about it again but hopefully in a much better way. Article 15(1) of Indian constitution states that , " The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, and place of birth or any of them" . The main concern of people against Reservations is that it violates the principle of equal rights to every citizen. But as per the Article 16(4):" Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any backward class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State."   As India has always been a society that was based on inequalities becoming rigid over the years, so it was necessary for the makers of Indian constitution t

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